
A maior parte da solucoes ecologicas, mais divulgadas, sao muito complicadas e dispendiosas. Parecem uma via sacra de sofrimento em que se tem de empurrar um carro avariado ladeira acima.
A Permacultura fica no lado oposto. Eh facil e simples. Empoderante. Parece que jah estamos do outro lado da ladeira. Apenas precisamos de dar uns toques no travao para controlar a descida do carro. E se calhar ele ateh volta a pegar e trabalha por si mesmo para nohs ;-)
Dia 14 de outubro, 4ª feira, iniciamos um novo curso de Iniciaçao ah Permacultura na Associação Agostinho da Silva ao Principe Real.
A AAS fica nas instalacoes de Junta de Freguesia das Merces na rua do Jasmim, 11, em Lisboa.
Começa às 18h e dura 1h 30m. Clique na imagem acima ou no titulo deste post para ler mais informaçao.
Telefone para o 213422783 ou o 967044286, ou 961650518 para se inscrever. Sao inscricoes limitadas e so jah temos 5 lugares.
As aulas praticas decorrem aos domingos, uma vez por mes, numa quinta em Bucelas.
Se quer sair da cidade mas ainda nao se sente muito ah vontade para viver no campo ou apenas quer melhorar a sua qualidade de vida na cidade este curso foi feito a pensar em si.
Se quiser continuar pode acompanhar toda a reconversao para permacultura da linda quinta de Bucelas. E sentir-se mesmo capaz de criar um mundo melhor!
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Sistema L.e.t.s. conheces?
Si vas a Londres no sólo necesitarás libras también brixtons, la nueva moneda que se usa en algunos barriosLa iniciativa es legal y hay más de 25.000 billetes en circulación
Los Brixton Pounds son los billetes de esta nueva divisa. Las caras que se estampan son figuras clave del barrio londinense como David Bowie u Olive Morris
Algunos de los billetes en circulación The Brixton Pounds es la nueva moneda que un mítico barrio del sur de Londres, ha comenzado a comercializar dentro de los establecimientos, tiendas y comercios del barrio de Brixton.
Esta iniciativa tiene el objetivo de fomentar el comercio dentro de la zona, y de esta manera conseguir un menor impacto medioambiental ya que pretenden ser autosuficientes en los próximos años.
La moneda es completamente legal, dentro de los establecimientos que están asociados a este movimiento y el valor es equivalente al de la libra esterlina. En algunos puntos del barrio inglés, se puede canjear los brixton pounds por sterling pounds (las libras esterlinas) y así poder comerciar fuera de las fronteras de esta zona multicultural de Londres.
Las únicas normas que deben cumplir los participantes en esta iniciativa son del todo muy inglesas, ya que bajo ningún concepto se podrá emplear la imagen de la Reina en la impresión de sus billetes o en cualquier documento que acompañe la iniciativa. También perderán validez al salir del barrio de Brixton así como que no es obligatorio aceptar dichos billetes como forma de pago, aunque en general, la campaña está siendo respaldada por la gran mayoría de los comerciantes y consumidores de la zona.
La idea es muy positiva para sacar adelante a los pequeños productores de la zona y para que en cierto modo se convierta en un modelo de proteccionismo de la comunidad.
Han surgido algunas voces críticas con esta medida ya que en cierto modo consideran que podrían llegar a evadir impuestos a la Hacienda Pública aunque en este aspecto, la Agencia Tributaria inglesa no pone pegas a al uso de monedas o divisas locales, ya que se encuentran relacionadas directamente con la libra y que a su vez, todos los comerciantes declaran al fisco todo lo que facturan, sea en libras en libras Brixton o en cualquier otro tipo de divisa.
Y no es el primer barrio inglés que emplea esta forma tan original de salir de la crisis fomentando el comercio local. La asociación que ha formado este mercado de divisas inglés es Transition Towns, y ya ha creado este mismo medio de pago en otros barrios de Irlanda, Estados Unidos y Canadá.
Medidas similares se tomaron en el famoso crash del 29, en Nueva York. En este caso, el mercado que se creó fue mucho mayor que e que ahora florece en Londres. También se utilizó en la crisis que azotó a Argentina en su nocido “corralito”, aunque en este caso, el mercado de trueque que crearon, fue secundado por más de tres millones de personas.
Así que ya sabéis, en cuanto queramos fomentar un comercio local, basado en normas sostenibles, tendremos que buscar un nombre para nuestra moneda local.
Taking the pill for past 40 years 'has put women off masculine men'By David Derbyshire
Last updated at 3:13 AM on 08th October 2009
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It ushered in the 1960s sexual revolution and gave women control over their own fertility.
But the Pill may also have changed women's taste in men, according to a study.
Scientists say the hormones in the oral contraceptive suppress a woman's interest in masculine men and make boyish men more attractive. Although the change occurs for just a few days each month, it may have been highly influential since use of the Pill began more than 40 years ago.
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1218808/Contraceptive-pill-women-attracted-masculine-men--interested-boyish-looks.html#ixzz0TLlFUcNa
Catherine Austin Fitts é uma senhora adorável especialista em Economia e Finanças, que começou a sua carreira num dos símbolos do capitalismo mais odiados: a Goldman Sachs.
Durante 2008 fui lendo muito do que Catherine foi partilhando no blog da sua empresa e há algumas ideias que aqui gostaria de partilhar:
1. Muitas ideias e projectos a favor das várias sustentabilidades falham porque muitas vezes os envolvidos têm um problema com o dinheiro. Como se fosse pecaminoso enriquecer.
2. Não conseguimos muitas vezes convencer muitas das outras pessoas a mudar o seu estilo de vida, se elas sentirem que a única coisa que temos para oferecer é um empobrecimento radical.
Um excerto dum texto de Catherine sobre Permacultura Financeira:
"So what do we do? If we are to stop the financial drain on our families and communities we must change how we manage our own finances. Perhaps the way to begin is as permaculture teaches us – to listen and build out from natural systems which are, ultimately, the source of most of our wealth.
In every place, there are thousands of existing financial agreements, including laws and regulations that impact financial values. If we are to nurture and restore places, we are well served to listen to both natural systems and existing financial agreements, looking for ways of building new, fundamental alignments between land, people and their savings that reduce risk and optimize resources on an integrated basis. From years of studying the financing of places, I can assure you that those opportunities exist. Years of continuous learning, patience and collaboration will be fruitful.
In every place, people and local institutions have financial capital, typically retirement capital or various kinds of savings and reserves. Increasingly, this capital is invested through centralized institutions and financial centers.
Developing ways of creating sound investments to finance permaculture developments and the businesses that supply them would serve to spread the adoption of permaculture techniques. The more opportunities locally, or through decentralized networks, the easier it will be for people to withdraw their retirement savings from destructive systems.
The power of financially sustainable alternatives is that they help create a safe haven for billions of dollars that would like to leave more traditional investments but must have a place to go that is respectful of their precious savings and need for retirement income.
I am often told that financial tools are destructive and we should withdraw from them entirely. However, it is important to understand that millions of people have their life savings invested in that system. By choosing to not create sound, reliable alternatives, we ensure that their capital will stay invested in the old paradigm, financing destructive activities. Let’s find a way to welcome and protect their capital. Think of the potential allies we could make.
When we look at the flow of time and resources within a place where are some opportunities?
Small Business: Small business is the engine of a local economy. Look for ways to help local businesses attract and build talent and market products and services that increase local self- sufficiency. With the importance of agriculture increasing, this includes small farms too.
Government Resources: Centralization means that a greater portion of resources in a place are controlled by government, including the federal government. This money - as well as government regulations -often creates incentives out of alignment with the best interest of the local community and local natural resources. Concerted attention to understand government rules and regulations can produce opportunities for reengineering.
Distressed Assets: We are experiencing significant mortgage and other debt defaults as well as bankruptcies. Organizing ways to proactively help people harmed and reposition assets owned by distant financial institutions or government may represent an opportunity. Could these assets be “greened?”
Local Capital: Increasingly local investment capital is invested through Wall Street. Look for angel or other small investors as well as philanthropists who would be interested in creating ways to circulate more equity investment locally.
Strategic Partnerships: Every community can benefit from renewable technology and new skills. Look for ways to build linkages between a community and the enterprises and institutions that help create self- sufficiency. Such partnerships may also provide another opportunity for local capital.
Waste: Just as physical waste presents an opportunity for greening a community, so does financial waste. Study what is causing financial distress and look for opportunities to find solutions. For example, one of the biggest sources of financial waste comes from using a currency that is falling in value. Hence, the growing interest in community currencies and barter.
Align incentives: Increasing local equity investment means that investors can benefit from a wide variety of initiatives to lower costs and consumption, improve local business and markets and the flow of deposits, purchases and investments locally.
The idea of using the term Financial Permaculture to describe our efforts was coined by Thomas Hupp of the Leadership School as he, Jennifer Dauksha-English of the Center for Holistic Ecology, Greg Landau of the Ecovillage Training Institute, Carolyn Betts of Solari and I were brainstorming how to integrate Solari investment strategy with permaculture.
We decided the best way to create an integrated vision of natural and financial health within a place was to invite many more people into the conversation."
Repito portanto a questão: como é que nós podemos enriquecer ao mesmo tempo que cuidamos da Terra e das Pessoas?
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