Encontrei este texto para meditarmos juntos sobre o caos dominante actualmente.
Alem do que ali diz temos de ter sempre presente que o acto sexual e um acto magico poderosissimo.
E durante a excitacao sexual o nosso cerebro esta particularmente vulneravel.
Clique no titulo para ler o texto a que me refiro.
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Por exemplo, suponha que surja um mal estar em alguma parte de seu corpo (nos dentes, por exemplo). Normalmente, nesta situação, o Cristo Interno faz com que você perca a fome. Portanto, você dereria "escutar este pedido" do seu médico interno e não inserir qualquer substância na boca, até que a sensação de fome volte novamente. Em outras palavras, para colaborar com o médico interno deve-se iniciar um jejum absoluto, não fazendo nada! Nessa situação, deveríamos ir deitar em nossa cama, fechar os olhos, abrir as janelas (para que um ar limpo esteja presente no nosso quarto) e tentar dormir. Este procedimento minimiza o dispêndio de energia feito pela utilização do corpo e maximiza a energia que o Cristo Interno irá mobilizar para sanar o problema que aflige o corpo. Após acordar, você estará se sentindo muito melhor. Por que? Porque a sabedoria do Cristo Interno é muito maior do que a nossa. A nossa sabedoria iria nos sugerir que fizéssemos alguma coisa, o que iria atrapalhar a ação do nosso médico interno.
Every time we personally go through any unfair difficulty or situation that seems to have no justice, seems to be unfair, rude, or inhumane—if we judge based just on that moment, based just on the pain that we are going through, then it does not make sense and we feel like victims; but if we are able to pause for a second, we can remind ourselves that there is a Bigger Picture, that there is an ultimate purpose in that painful unfair situation. There always is … because the Light Force of the Creator is always in every situation. Unfortunately, we do not always allow the Light to reveal itself. The Light in this case means that ultimate good exists in every situation.
I am not saying that we should allow ourselves to be victims of negative people, to do whatever they want with us. I am talking about when there isnothing we can do about it—when the unfair situation has already happened—whether it is our own difficult childhood, whether it is a bad experience with a partner, whether it is money that was stolen from us, whether it is misfortune in the family, whether it is people taking advantage of us, whether it is people speaking badly about us—whatever it is that seems to be such a painful injustice, the reason we so much feel a victim and in pain is because we are focusing only on the small picture. We are focusing only on the pain of the moment. We are focusing only on the harm that we are feeling in that second.
But then comes the way to inject the Big Picture—to trust that there is a Bigger Picture and to have no doubt and no question in our mind that something good has to be manifested through this. It gives some strength that we would never have had without that particular situation – every time we go through pain.
Sometimes pain is just a way to get outside of ourselves, to feel another human being—or it is a place to lead us towards. For example, when a person goes through a very suppressing childhood—which in a Bigger Picture creates a desire for success, for making things happen, for thinking big—without that difficulty, we would never get to that place of wanting to make things happen ourselves and of being able to feel the freedom of doing unlimited things in our life. There is always a Big Picture. Always!
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